Friday, 8 July 2011

You're an ANIMAL!

Hola, Como estas?

Yes thats right bandits and banditos, another week has passed through the hourglass, and its time to take a look at the wonderful work you've all coughed up.
For those with amnesia the theme was Mexican animals

Alice Hair
Jamie Ludlam
Katie Chappell
Jonathan Oldfield
Not as many entries this week

But next weeks task is a Self Portrait as Mexican Bandit!
Now thats a good one no?
This is a special one - everyone who does their Mexican self-portrait will get a wee feature/bio/interview in the magazine. Major plans are underway to get the Bandits in print. It's looking hopeful!
 Adios Amigos

1 comment:

  1. My blog...

    Plug, plug, plug!
